Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lazyish Saturday

I never did get out of my pajamas (lazy), but we did get a lot done this morning (ish).

We took the Christmas decorations down this morning, which included cleaning out the closet where they are stored and going through the decorations and getting rid of things we have never used [not much :0)] and/or were broken. In fact, by the time I was done throwing away/reorganizing we had an empty Rubbermaid container.

Since we are currently working on the list of things to be done before we put the house up for sale the Rubbermaid didn't stay empty for long. Thankfully the list isn't long, but my energy level is pretty much zero these days, so it is still proving to be a challenge. I think cleaning out the closets is going to be the worst of it.

We finally got Mess 1 moved to his "big boy" room last weekend, and nap time has been a challenge. He is quite content to play in his room, but getting him to stay in bed and actually go to sleep has not been working so well. Typically he spends a couple of hours playing, and then naps for 30 minutes or so. Today, however, he conked out as soon as he hit the pillow. I have no idea how long he slept, as my nap lasted three hours and I had to go check on him to find out he was awake and playing (he's never that quiet, it was strange). Maybe the fact that he was also still in his jammies helped :0).

This afternoon we played outside with some of his Christmas

The swing Baba (Hubby's dad) and Daddy built for him

The sandbox was from my grandparents

Our fancy new crock pot did a great job on the post roast for dinner, my wonderful husband went to one of the local restaurants that has homemade desserts and got me a piece of Oreo cheesecake, and the boy was in bed by 6:30 (as usual).

Since then we've watched football, and I'm getting ready to go to sleep. 9:00 is my bedtime these days, especially as, Sunday or not, we'll be up at 6:30.

All in all a wonderful Saturday. I hope yours was just as nice.

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