One day earlier this week (I'm not sure which one, they run together at this point), my brother calls and tells me that he heard from a friend of ours from college. He used to tour with the Sesame Street live shows as one of the crew chiefs and wanted to know if we would like tickets to the show that was in town this weekend.
We hadn't planned to take munchkin as he's still a little young for these types of things. Well, that and the fact that he's never seen Sesame Street. But we are not ones to turn down complementary tickets, plus a chance to meet some of the characters :0) Our instructions were to pick up our tickets at will call and be at the sound board 30 minutes before the show. OK, sounds fun.
Oh my gosh, y'all. We had the best time! Here are (some of) the pictures to help narrate the rest of the morning:

So cute! Looks like you guys had a fun day.