Oh. my. word.
It has been quite a week. Throughout it we have received many blessings, but I hope we don't have another like it for a very long time.
I've already told you about our trip to Urgent Care last Sunday (blessing: that it was just an ear infection, and did not require x-rays or IVs), and Hubby's return (blessing: self-explanatory).
What I didn't tell you about Monday was that I managed to lock myself out of the house. Which munchkin in the living room, by himself. It was so much fun watching him climb things through the front window. Thankfully it didn't take me long to get back inside, but of course my worst case scenario brain imagined having to break a window to get to my child who had fallen off the dining room table. (He's recently started climbing, well, everything).
The low point of the week was Wednesday afternoon. The car in front of us had to stop suddenly, and while Hubby was able to stop with no problem, the person behind us wasn't. We were able to pull the car to the side of the road, and heard some grinding noises, but thought that was because we were driving over the debris.
When we got out of the car we found out that no one was hurt, and that both cars were still driveable (or so we thought). Munchkin didn't even cry, except a short scream right when we were hit, but was probably more in reaction to my scream than anything else. He was completely fine and more than happy to get out of the car and walk around while we waited on the police.
While we were waiting, I pulled the registration and insurance information out of the glove compartment. While I was double checking to be sure we had everything I realized our insurance cards had expired last month (I really need to clean out my email, I know there is a message from the insurance company reminding me of this). Luckily we were just down the street from the UPS store, so 5 minutes and 22 cents later I had printed our updated cards, just in time for the police to arrive. I love USAA.
An hour later (!), when the policeman was done writing up his report, we got in the car to leave and found out our car wasn't driveable. Apparently he had hit us harder than we thought, and had knocked the muffler loose. So we pulled back to the side of the road, and called to start the insurance claim and get Roadside Assistance to come tow the car.
After finding out it would be an hour before the tow truck could get there, we called a friend to come get hubby and munchkin. Munchkin was hot, hungry, and tired and needed to get home. So H. came and got them and took them home, while I stayed to wait for the tow truck. (H. is the wonderful friend who brought us McDonald's to urgent care at the beginning of the summer, and her husband mowed the lawn for me all summer while hubby was gone. We owe them BIG).
After seeing munchkin and hubby off I called hubby's professor to see if he would be willing to come get me and take me home. Thankfully he was able to do that, so hubby wouldn't have to put munchkin back in the car to come back downtown. Three and a half hours after the accident we finally got everyone home.
First blessing: no one was hurt. Second blessing: our two sets of wonderful friends who were willing to come pick us up and drive us home, about a sixty mile round trip for each. Third: we were able to print our insurance cards saving us a ticket. Fourth: the insurance company arranged and paid for both the tow truck and rental car after only one phone call. Fifth: our car can be fixed; the other guy may not be so lucky.
We were very, very blessed during this accident. It has been a HUGE inconvenience for us and some of our friends, but it that's all it has been, so we are counting ourselves lucky.
We've had some other minor issues this week, mostly with munchkin approaching two. He got a talking to in Kohl's yesterday morning about being careful and gentle with people after he hit me in the face. Next I had to take him out of Publix for throwing a fit because his daddy broke his cookie in half. And yes, we left the store without the cookie. This wasn't the first time he's been removed from a situation for misbehaving, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I just hope it stays the exception rather than becoming the rule.
One last story, to end things on a lighter note:
Yesterday we noticed that the water dispenser on the refrigerator wasn't working, and that we were running low on ice. Today the freezer starts making this banging noise. After some exploring, we discovered that the plastic cup that directs the water to the ice maker and water dispenser was full and frozen solid. How did we fix it?

Blow dryer

Meat fork
And yes, we did get it fixed (we think).
Sounds like you had an exciting if not stress inducing week. Glad to hear everything worked out okay.
ReplyDeleteMakes me feel boring, but I can't wait to hear more details and see your big boy. He and J should actually have some fun!
ReplyDeleteAnne commented on my blog!! I'm so proud :0)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm hoping for a nice long stretch of boring...
Oh my goodness!! I'm so glad you're alright. That's really scary. So glad Daddy is home with you again. That's a REALLY long time to be apart.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are okay- your son's stories sound strangely familiar..... :)