My cell phone is ringing and dinging a text (at the same time? can it do that?), the office phone is blinking at me “voice mail waiting” and the computer is popping up emails, one, then two, then six, then 10, then... I’ve only been gone 15 hours since yesterday afternoon, how can I have four new voice mails and 25 new emails, and it’s only 7:30? Today’s to do list has grown overnight too. And somehow the budget got confused and the purchase can’t be made because the contract’s expired and now the license is no longer valid, and, and, and
Breathe in, breathe out…
OK, it’s not a million things to do, more like a thousand.
Breathe in, breathe out…
OK, down to a couple hundred
Breathe in, breathe out…
OK, now it’s manageable. And I have the first thing done.
Breathe in, breath out…
One thing at a time, and I can make it through today. And then a wonderful weekend with my people, all I have to do is breathe.